In July 2023, our dedication to sustainability was nationally recognized by Globo Rural’s Sustainable Farm Award initiative. Now in its 7th edition, the award celebrates farms making remarkable economic, social, and environmental progress. 

Out of 44 evaluated farms from all corners of the country, Nutribotanica proudly holds 1st place among the large properties. 

We are incredibly proud of this recognition, as it highlights the positive results of our unwavering dedication, perfectly aligned with our strategic vision.

We’ve claimed the top spot as Brazil’s Most Sustainable Farm!

In 1998, a partnership with the community and the school started with the goal of developing environmental, cultural and sportive projects.
At school some socio-environmental responsibility projects which Nutrilite together with the community support is developed.

It consists in the donation of diverse residues generated at the company cultivation and in the manufacturing process, aiming their reuse and recycling for exploitation of many existent raw materials in it.
The community receives most of these residues and used it perfectly in the handcrafting and on the fabrication of furniture.

Socio-environmental responsibility

Sport in Action

Stimulate sportive practices to help motor skills development and positive sports moral values, using the sport as a healthy habit promoter.
The project has a sportive feature which will be developed at school atmosphere, where various issues are addressed, such as: family values, sport values, healthy habits, social inclusion, integral formation and students culture.

We have the goal of working with interdisciplin through the body and mind to develop talents and spread the cultures to become the dancing art a social and cultural integration.

Ballet & Dance

The purpose is to work the music through music group foundation like pipe, coral and percussion. To promote at this place integral education to the community where they are from, on behalf of developing sensibility and human creativity through the contact with the music, willing citizen formation, capable to contribute actively with changes needed for the construction of a better society.

The music classes happen since 2005 with a regular teacher who comes four times a week and the
students are free to participate or not. Overall, currently 80 students attend.

All instruments used on these classes were donated by Nutrilite Brazil Farm, for example, the uniforms, all of the instruments used in the course.


Our environmental actions go beyond the fences of our property, as hard work on social and environmental projects at the local communities.

With the Ecological Soap, in the Valparaíso settlement some women uses oil donated by Nutrilite and transform it into soap, which generates jobs and income to the community.
In 2018, the community got the 1st place at FIEC Environmental Performance Reward.

Environmental Responsibility

Using water rationally

We use water rationally in our processes. We treat industrial liquid effluents and reuse the water to irrigate our gardens, within the legal parameters. In addition, we collect water from natural sources and deep wells, using it in our crop irrigation systems that help us to reduce water consumption.

We manage solid waste and work hard with the donation of part of the generated waste, encouraging Circular Economy in the local community. This help us raising awareness about the waste generation reduction, selective collection and non-destination to landfills, avoiding environmental liabilities.

Environmental Responsibility

Legal Reserved Area

Our environmental concern includes more than 175 hectares of remaining native vegetation, as well as 257 hectares of Legal Reserved Area that provides shelter and freedom for many species of birds, snakes and wild animals.

The children increase their social and intellectual formation through the “Frutos do Bem” at the school supported by Nutrilite/NutriBotanica.

"Frutos do Bem"


Always committed to the environment and society as a whole, Nutribotanica promotes an approach of a fair trade through Fair-for-Life certified products, allowing producers and workers to access a wider range of social and economic benefits. We believe in a better world, where each person and action matters.

By acquiring/purchasing Fair-for-Life Products, you will take part in an exclusive group of companies committed to build a more peaceful and equal world. Please, contact us to know more about our Fair for Life products.

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