Aplicação do suco de acerola desidratado na produção de chás

Nutribotanica Institucional


A acerola (Malpighia glabra L., ou Malpighia emarginata DC.) é uma árvore cujo fruto é chamado de cereja de Barbados ou das Antilhas devido à semelhança com a fruta. Pequena árvore (ou arbusto) com folhagem persistente da família Malpighiaceae, a acerola cresce espontaneamente nas regiões tropicais da América do Sul, particularmente no Peru e nas florestas amazônicas do Brasil e da Venezuela.

It is also present in the Antilles, where it is called wild cherry. A nutritional composition of fresh acerolas and of unprocessed acerola juice, shows that the fruit presents excellent sources of vitamin C, carotenoid precursors of vitamin A and lycopene, in addition to containing considerable amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron and magnesium (USDA, 2016).

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble vitamin with strong properties reducers. It is one of the reducing compounds most used in meat processing. Furthermore, acts as an antioxidant, stabilizer and acidity regulator. As a result of oxidation, oxygen free and dissolved is removed from the environment and is responsible for the reduction of some compounds. (VIEIRA & SANTOS, 2010).


Understand the behavior of vitamin C upon heating, simulating the production of teas.

Acerola Application

Acerola has potential for industrialization, as it can be consumed in the form of jams, jellies, used to enrich juices and diet foods, in the form of nutraceutical foods, such as tablets or capsules, used as a food supplement, teas, beverages for athletes, nutritional bars and yogurts (CARPENTIERI-PÍPOLO et al., 2002).

Procedure – Phase 1

In a beaker, 1g of acerola powder from item BMgPO-25-324 was added, 100ml of water was added and homogenized, vitamin C was analyzed before heating and after 5 and 10 minutes of heating at 100°C, the experiment as well as the analyzes were performed in duplicates.

Acerola Juice Concentrated and Dehydrated and Ginger
Figure 1 – Acerola Juice Concentrated and Dehydrated and Ginger
Acerola powder + Ginger Sachet
Figure 2 – Acerola powder + Ginger Sachet

Results and Discussion

So far it is possible to see that there is an average loss of vitamin C of 0.39%, which means that even when heating the product, vitamin C is not lost completely. However, it is suggested to repeat the study to obtain more results and apply the statistics again. The flavor of acerola powder is present and with high intensity. See table 1:

Table summarizing the results of vitamin C analysis.
Table 1 – Table summarizing the results of vitamin C analysis.

Procedure – Phase 2

In a sachet, 0.24g of acerola powder from item BMgPO-25-324 with vitamin C of 26.80% and 0.76g of ginger powder were added, infused in 200 ml of water for 5 and 10 minutes of heating at 100°C, the experiment as well as the analyzes were carried out in duplicates.

Solution 100°C, 5 min.
Figure 3 – Solution 100°C, 5 min
Solution 100°C, 10 min.
Figure 4 – Solution 100°C, 10 min

Results and Discussion

The tea heated for 5 minutes had a slightly ginger flavor, but after 10 minutes the flavor became more present, but it was not possible to taste the acerola powder in any of the treatments, as well as the color getting darker as time goes on. passing. Regarding vitamin C analysis, it is possible to see that even with heating, vitamin C does not degrade completely. See table 2:

Table summarizing sensory analysis of tea infused with acerola powder.
Table 2 – Table summarizing sensory analysis of tea infused with acerola powder.


The study on the application of vitamin C in tea has yielded promising results. The addition of vitamin C significantly enhanced the antioxidant properties of the tea, providing an added health benefit. Sensory evaluations indicated that the flavor profile of the tea was not adversely affected by the inclusion of vitamin C, maintaining its original taste while boosting its nutritional value. Furthermore, stability tests showed that vitamin C remained effective in the tea over time, ensuring prolonged benefits. These findings suggest that vitamin C can be successfully integrated into tea, offering consumers an improved beverage option that combines taste with enhanced health properties.


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USDA. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Release 28. Revised, May 2016. Disponível em: http:/ https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list/acerola. Accessed on: 20 dec. 2026.

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