Joghurt mit Acerola-Ballaststoffen: Vitamin C, Proteine und Ballaststoffe

Nutribotanica Institutionell

Acerola Fiber

Dehydrated and ground acerola fiber (DMAF) is a product obtained from the waste of industrial processes for the production of acerola juices. This waste is mainly made up of crushed seeds from the fruit, which are removed during the pressing stage. Despite having already been processed, the seeds still contain a large amount of nutrients, since pressing cannot extract 100% of the fruit’s content. Therefore, the seeds are still rich in vitamin C, phytonutrients, fibers and proteins. To make their use possible, the seeds are properly prepared, dehydrated and then ground, ensuring the desired granulometry for application.

Benefits of Acerola Fiber

FADM brings with it the same benefits as acerola, such as: it strengthens the immune system, has antioxidant power, supports collagen production, protects cells, has anti-inflammatory power, helps in the absorption of iron, among other advantages. As a differential, FADM offers a large amount of dietary fiber (up to 70%) and few calories (up to 110 kcal/100g), helping with digestion and generating the feeling of satiety, thus being an option for those who want to lose weight (Ornelas et al., 2024).

New Application

Functional foods have been gaining more and more space in the daily lives of the world’s population. This increase is largely due to the evolution of a new type of consumer, who is more attentive to health and issues related to the environment. Natural foods with healthy content are trending among everyone, and dairy products are no exception. Tomé et al. (2024, p. 2) adds that:

“The use of acerola juice residue in the production of yogurt can serve as a source of nutrients and bioactive compounds that can increase its nutritional potential and act in a protective and preventive way in the human body and reach an even more diverse audience.”

The technological use of by-products originating from the fruit industry, such as FADM, can generate some advantages such as: reducing impacts on the environment and enabling the creation of a high-quality product, rich in functional properties for us, consumers.


TOMÉ, A. E. S. .; SOUSA, S. de .; FARIAS, J. Q. .; OLIVEIRA, E. A. de .; RIBEIRO, V. H. de A. .; MATA, M. E. C. . Influence of the addition of acerola residue on the physical characteristics of yougurt . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. e9313144554, 2024. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v13i1.44554. Available at: Accessed on: January 17, 2025.

ORNELAS, A.; AMORIM, C. L. S.; PALOS, D.; VIDEIRA, B. Acerola fortalece a imunidade; veja 9 benefícios da frutinha tropical. Available at Accessed on 01/17/2025.

Bebidas funcionais: o desejo de um novo perfil de consumidor. Available at Accessed on 01/17/2025.

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